
Platelet Rich Plasma Course

Platelet Rich Plasma Course Description:

Did you know that there’s natural, drug-free way to concentrate the growth factors and platelets in your blood, enabling your joints to heal at an accelerated rate? The same technology can even be used to treat male pattern baldness, acne and sexual dysfunction. If naturally boosting the body’s capacity to heal itself fits your goals and treatment philosophy, then PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is for you.

Can most physicians draw blood? Yes. Can many perform injections? Of course. Then why isn’t PRP more prevalent as a conservative, non-surgical option for patients with joint pain and inflammation? I’ll give you a hint: it’s a self-pay, cash-based, non-covered service. You don’t have to let insurance companies dictate the quality of your care. This course will show you how to add PRP today.

What You will Get in the Platelet Rich Plasma Course:


  • How to use this natural therapy to help your patients with joint pain and inflammation
  • A simple and effective PRP preparation to treat musculoskeletal conditions without the expensive kits
  • Cosmetic PRP applications to treat alopecia, acne and more
  • Target marketing techniques and keywords that drive qualified patients to your office
  • How to handle common objections that kill a PRP sale
By | 2018-03-01T18:19:48+00:00 February 5th, 2018|PBS University Course Descriptions|Comments Off on Platelet Rich Plasma Course

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